
Essay on Emile Durkheim and Max Weber Comparison

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Emile Durkheim and Max Weber both appealed to me in the reading of chapter 1. They both have similarities and differences on their approaches to sociology. While reading the background of Emile, I found it fascinating how he studied sociology in a way that he put together the individual dimensions and added them together to better understand a society or social group. The case of suicide rates and religion. This one case can be analyzed through other elements, such as careers. For instance, the type of profession can be studied. I am really into statistics and like to break down information. The way he broke down the information to analyze a society or social groups interested me. Max Weber, I chose to write about because I felt he had a …show more content…

Weber disagreed to a certain extent. He believed that there needed to different tasks accomplished by these individuals making up the social structure but in turn it would lead to capitalism and the destruction of a society.

Weber felt that capitalism would take over and there would be too much distinction between the classes. He later went on to study the ruling government or bureaucracy of a society and what limits individuals have. He studied subjectively and objectively. He considered his own views into his studies but limited them and made it clear that sociology must limit the sociologist views on the situation or case. As a sociologist, he felt that putting yourself in the place of the subject will give for empathetic views and add another dimension to the study.

Personally I feel that this is the correct way to view societies. At one point in my life I was walking in a park and noticed a man picking up trash and then later on walking I noticed someone disposing of trash wherever they wanted. If only the person that threw the trash down could have placed himself in the shoes of the person picking it up, it might have changed that person. He might have realized what his carelessness had created for someone else. I believe that society is about integration. One back scratches another. From the economic standpoint, I consider it to be like a snowball rolling down the hill. It collects many

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