
Eminent Domain And Its Effect On The Community

Best Essays

Argumentative Exercise

Topic: Eminent domain and its effect on the community.
General Purpose: To argue
Specific Purpose: I want to show how eminent domain affects the community.
Thesis Statement: Eminent domain should not be used for recreational purposes.


I. [Attention-getter] Should the government be able to take your property to expand a greenbelt?

A. You have been fortunate to be able to acquire a pristine piece of property along the riverfront.

B. The city wants to expand their greenbelt/walking path.

II. [Credibility statement] I have been a zoning administrator for both city and county governments for the last 19 years.

A. I have seen eminent domain utilized in appropriate manners.

B. I have also seen attempts to utilize eminent domain in inappropriate manners.

III. [Topic intro] Many of us have heard about eminent domain from a friend or loved one, but do any of us really know what it is.

A. What is eminent domain?

1. Eminent domain is the power of the government to acquire private property for public use.

2. Eminent domain can be used to condemn the property without the property owner’s consent.

B. What are the requirements for eminent domain?

1. The property must be needed in order to serve the greater community needs.

2. The proposed property is required for the most economically feasible option.

C. Who has the ability to enforce eminent domain?

1. A local municipality such as a city or a county has the ability to condemn

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