
Empirical Knowledge In Nursing

Satisfactory Essays

Homework #2
Activity 1
A. Epistemology – a branch of philosophy that examines the truth of nature.
B. Ontology – a branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of being.
C. Context- the setting of diverse events in nursing that take place. In physical environment.
D. Paradigm- a theory of pattern about how people view the world.
E. Constructivism- a theory constructs from observation and people view that reveal their own experience.
F. Post positivism- the philosophical theory that seeks to correct the misconception of the observation.
Activity 2
A. Theoretical knowledge is the knowledge that nurse researchers established by gathering valuable ideas from books or other resources. These ideas applied through theoretical only.
Example-I have a good understanding and knowledge of IV based on my nursing studies. Though I have never practiced using IV on any patient.
B. …show more content…

Empirical knowledge is basically the theoretical knowledge that has put into practice through test, observation and experiment.
Example of empirical knowledge -During my clinical, I have gained empirical knowledge in medication administration when giving medication to my assigned residents.

C. Quantitative Research- a research based on experimental data, a survey that proves the actuality of the theory.
D. Qualitative Research- concept of valuable ideas that are supportive in planning the research regarding their own personal experiences.

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