
Employment at Will Essay

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Employment at will is a law that is present in all fifty states in the US; although, in Montana there requires a stated cause for termination. Employment at will creates dissent among employees when they have been terminated for a cause that is thought to be unsubstantial or when no cause is given. There are pros and cons to the presumption, and employees and employers have different views. Employment at will means that the employer can terminate an employee at any time, for any cause without warning. However, even an at-will employee cannot be terminated because of discriminatory reasons. Employment at will also means that an employee can leave a job at any time without the fear of facing any legal consequences. An employer can also …show more content…

Although his boss stated that Stone’s tie was a detriment to the company and could cause a monetary loss, there was no record of customers complaining about the tie or not purchasing cars because of the tie. In another employment at will case, fourteen employees from a Florida law firm were fired for wearing orange. The employees were told that management had taken the color of their shirts to mean, “that they were staging some sort of protest.” However, many of the group says that they wear orange shirts on paydays to “promote a feeling of togetherness when they would go out as a group for drinks” . An executive brought the orange wearing employees into a conference room and told “anyone wearing orange for an innocent reason should speak up”, an employee immediately explained the happy hour color. After this, the executive left the room to confer with other executives. When they returned, it was stated that all people wearing orange were fired although someone had said they were wearing the color for innocent reasons . Additionally, if the employees truly had been protesting by wearing the color orange, it would have been illegal to fire them for protesting . The employees reported feeling as though their rights had been infringed upon after being fired for wearing the color orange. These employees were fired without any warning, without being asked to even change

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