
Engineering Ethics Of The Engineering Profession

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Engineering is a pylon of human development and technology,having a significant impact on people’s daily lives. Engineering has improved humanity in every aspect (e.g. transportation, communication, medicine) and it has the potential to overcome the challenges that mankind still faces. However, engineers have responsibility for their actions and they must learn to follow a set of ethical principles relating to their work. All of which have to be followed to the letter otherwise there can be severe consequences. ’’ Ethics is the study of the characteristics of morals and involves the moral choices made by individuals as they interact with other persons. Engineers need to be aware of ethics as they make choices during their professional practice of engineering. Engineering ethics will be defined as the rules and standards governing the conduct of engineers in their roles as professionals. Several cases have led to an awareness of the importance of ethics within the engineering profession as engineers realize how their technical work has far-reaching impacts on society. The work of engineers can affect public health and safety and can influence business practices and even politics.’’(Fledderman,2004) Exploring beyond the known frontiers of Earth is a challenging job, this is the responsibility of aerospace engineers who are in extreme danger for every second of these missions, therefore the job requires extreme levels of courage. Mankind has known

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