
Entering The Mirror Maze Analysis

Decent Essays

Dr. Len Hightower, the author of the article Success: Entering the Mirror Maze, aim to demonstrate people’s impotent of having a growth mindset, leading to an obscure future. Writing to the broad readers -- specifically educated individuals -- the author addresses the dominance a fixed mindset have over a growth mindset. To convey his purpose, Hightower creates his article using the shifting from third person to first person perspective, an em dash punctuations, and appositive phrases. One unique feature of Hightower article involves a third person perspective shifting to a first person perspective, illustrating the incapability of having a growth mindset. From paragraph one to five, Hightower write in third person to indicate that the subject, a fixed mindset, is not …show more content…

Hightower includes em dash punctuations to set apart parenthetical phrases or clauses in a sentence. For instance, “Dweck posits that successful people -- children who do well in school, powerful CEO’s, and those highly recognized…” (paragraph 1), is set in em dash to replace comma that would otherwise sound awkward if enclosed by comma. Equally important, em dash can go in parenthese to break in thought such as “it’s only fitting that the transformation from ordinary person to Hollywood icon…--- as if stardom somehow elevates the human condition…” (paragraph 2). In fact, Hightower provided an excellent example of em dash clarification from The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, “Gatsby’s mind, all along, was fixated upon the single illusory green light of hope -- the money, the car, the girl, the success” (paragraph 7). The em dash can be used in a variety of situations, particularly in Hightower’s article, the author utilize em dashes to emphasis or provide charity the common goal and traits of success a fixed mindset individual shared. Furthermore, em dashes can triggered an informative tone and create attentive mood drawing readers to read further into his

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