
Entrepreneurship And The Industrial Design Industry

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Entrepreneurship in the Industrial Design Industry


This research report will explore the key issues of entrepreneurship in the industrial design industry, specifically zoning in on the furniture design sector. The Collins English Dictionary gives the definition of an entrepreneur as; ‘the owner or manager of a business enterprise who, by risk and initiative, attempts to make profits.’ (Collins , 2011) This is extremely relevant in the product design sector as money, time, labour and outsourcing of materials is needed to create prototype products. Generally the time involved and costs of creating a one off piece of furniture are exponentially greater in this stage of the design process than any other and can be the biggest hurdle, which can make or break an idea or design.

Sourcing funding, access to materials and workshops and technological advancements in both materials and computer animated design are a few of the significant issues that entrepreneurs face when starting the development of a new product. The level of entrepreneurial activity in product design industry is vast and branches off into many different facets, which does not just involve the design of a new furniture piece or range but also into the import and export of original and replica furniture and the expansion into other sectors in the design industry such as interior or object design. With the use of internet blogs, website and social media platforms it has introduced the opportunity

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