
Environmental Dangers Of Mining

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The implementation of mining has shaped much of the world today and remains a vital part of history. Without mining, many technologies would either be in scarce supply or not exist at all. With mining, humans have been able to collect a plethora of minerals and substances that still have many uses today. Despite the great things that mining has done for humankind, there are many people that see mining as a danger to the environment and the economy. Waste products and other pollutants caused or created from mining can have harmful effects on the surrounding environment. The economy is also an issue as mining is not as profitable as it once was. Despite these views, many mining companies still believe that mining can bring profitable results while still keeping the environment safe. With the recent undertaking of the Back Forty Project, concerns over the issues of the possible environmental dangers of mining near water sources and the impact (or lack thereof) on the economy. One of the biggest issues many people have with mining are the environmental dangers that it can bring. One such group, the Mining Action Group, claims that the Back Forty Project is hazardous to the nearby Menominee River. The Back Forty Project is a polymetallic sulfide mine, a type of mine composed of reactive ore and rocks that when exposed to air or water can form sulfuric acid. This can then "...generate low-quality water containing elevated concentrations of SO (sub 4), Fe, and associated

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