
Epidemiology Comparison

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Epidemiology, the branch of medicine that deals with the incidence, distribution, and possible control of a disease. Epidemiology is used through out the world, whether that be to protect a country from a lethal disease or educating the people about the common cold, epidemiologist protect the world from disease as a whole. This is highlighted in the most recent outbreak of the Zika Virus in Brazil and the Ebola Sudan outbreak illustrated in the Hot Zone. Even though these disease have there similarities and differences epidemiologists have done that is possible to protect the populous of the world. Though both disease have common ground, both are extremely different from one another based on the symptoms and over effect on the human body. …show more content…

To start, both disease do not natural occur in the human populous, rather common from different animals and insects which can transmit the viruses. Another similarity is both the disease linger in the body along time after being cured by doctors and medical professionals. Both Zika and Ebola Sudan can stay in a mans semen for up 9 months, ready to spread to an unsuspecting sexual partner. Another common ground is both the disease thrive in hot, tropical climates. The Ebola Sudan strain survives better in the warm climates and Zika is more easily spread in this climate because of the main host of the pathogen is mosquitos and they thrive in warm tropical climates. One of the final similarities of both viruses is they are both only transferred by blood to blood contact or through bodily fluids. Ebola Sudan is shown to be able to do this in the infection of the Maridi hospital where the doctors where using the same needles to test blood samples and do other tasks. Illistrated in the Hot Zone, “Apparently the medical staff had been giving patients injections with dirty needles. The virus jumped quickly through the …show more content…

Another difference is that Ebola Sudan has a 50% fatality rate and directly harms the host of the pathogen by causing internal blooding, large amounts of internal hemorrhaging, and organ failure, on the other hand Zika has a 0% fatality rate and doesn't directly harm the host. Zika only causes the host to have a form of the common cold, but will harm the hosts children by transmitting the virus to the pregnant mother of a child. This will causing that child to be born with a terrible birth defect called microcephaly and because of this, babies who are born this way have a 100% fatality rate. Another difference is Ebola Sudan mainly occurs in 3rd world countries because of the lack of medical supplies compared to Zika in the sense that it has been mainly prevented in Brazil. This is illustrated in the Hot Zone by the lack of medical resourses shown by the hospital in Sudan having to use dirty needles. On the other hand Zika has mainly been contracted in Brazil and people can protect themselves by purchasing a mosquito net or mosquito repellent. Ultimately, due to the poverty faced by west African civilians, it is much harder to prevent the spread of Ebola Sudan compared to Zika based on the overall lack of money in Western Africa. Finally, both viruses had completely different responses

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