
Escape Fire

Decent Essays

Week 1 Strategic Management Escape Fire The movie Escape Fire clearly states the facts that currently affect the healthcare system in the U.S. and proposes solutions that are at our reach as individuals, as a community and as a country. We are a country that sets the tone for almost everything that is popular in the world and something as necessary to our livelihood as healthcare is, we certainly are not on top of how to set that tone in that aspect that should be as popular as the air we breathe. We have the ability to change the game as it is suggested in the movie, and persuade the behavior changes necessary for all Americans to make in order to control the management of diseases culture that we are currently in and turn it into a …show more content…

The solutions suggested by the movie are clear, attainable, fair and fiscally possible. Money will keep driving the issue and we can make a change in the game of healthcare by becoming aware of the issue and lobbying against the status quo, which is clearly not working for the greatest country on earth. Michael vs Michael Listening to Michael Porter speak about the reason why business can be good at solving social problems, the one thing that stuck out for me in his monologue was that business profits from causing social problems. In his view, it is conventional wisdom that business is the problem and the solution is to change how business sees itself. Training, clean drinking water, protection of forests and other good things that bring good to us as a human race, they are the solution to the social problems and can be reached by understanding that when these needs are met, business creates wealth. Business creates wealth and we seek to meet the needs again. It sounds like a circle that keeps rounding and feeding one and the other. Michael Sandel on the other hand, has an opposite view and believes that by using business to solve social issues can and will turn us into a market society. His examples on how we can upgrade

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