
Essay About Segregation In America

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¨We were all humans until race disconnected us, religion seperated us, politics divided us, and wealth classified us.¨. Pravinee Hurbungs opened our eyes to the nasty truth of segregation in our lives today. We do not live in the perfect world Martin Luther King convinced us of 50 years ago. America’s largest city is the most diverse. When inner cities were created the wealthy built houses that they, after growing tired of the house, then discarded to the poor. As the gap widens, the less the chance we have of winning. The wealthy are the ones who are paying for the poor. The things we don’t elevate are the things that are making us suffer. We are a divided country in more ways than just race. “Dr. King’s goal was simple: absolute equality. …show more content…

Almost 60 years after the landmark Supreme Court ruling that desegregated schools, represents a major setback for one of the important goals in the Civil Rights Movement. Schools across America are resegregating because of a string of court cases since 1991 that have quietly came back to our court enforcement and monitoring of efforts to desegregate schools. Al Jazeera wrote in an article called segregation today, ¨African-Americans and Latinos made up more than 90 percent of the student population last year. Only seven of the 705 students at her school were white -- less than one percent.¨Education should be an opportunity for everyone. Researchers show that some kids that aren’t white go to schools with less resources, social strife and health problems. Racial segregation schools today are badly unequal. Segregated schools have higher concentrations of poverty, lower test scores, less experienced teachers and fewer advanced class courses. Segregation by schools is strongly influenced by class. 90% of the school's population are Black and Latino. At the first of this sentence you need to put a space after the period of black and Latino are schools where nearly half of the student body is economically disadvantaged. Teaching Tolerance

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