
Essay Apush Dbq

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In 1620, the Pilgrims, a European group that seeked religious freedom, sailed across the Atlantic Ocean in search for new land. They casted their ship on Plymouth Rock and created their settlement. The Pilgrims were attempting to create their own church where you could live under the rules of god and live a pure life. Back where they lived in Europe, they were forced to see religion differently than what they believed. To them, the religion that was established was not “pure” enough. What they didn’t know when they performed this rebellious act is that 155 years later, colonists would be committing a similar act. The colonists had enough with the government that they called “tyrannical.” They were being forced to live life how the British …show more content…

Neither citizens were given any sort of power in government. The king and Parliament of Britain were running rampant without power. The British Constitution stated that there was to be a House of Commons along with a Parliament (Document #1). This was to allow citizens to have power and a say in government. Sir William Meredith, a British politician, referred to Britain as a republic. Thomas Paine, the author of Common Sense, laughed and stated that the government was not worth of that title (Document #1). Thomas Paine understand the entire extent of the king’s overwhelming power. If the House of Commons (the people) was listened to, then the king’s power would have been lessened. The king wanted to be the most powerful and have the last and most important say in all matters. Because of this, the king made sure his power was taken seriously in all spaces of the realm (Document #1). Thomas Paine states that the reason colonists are not retaliating is because they think they have power because they have the House of Commons (Document #1). But what they don’t realize is that their opinion is not listened to. Thomas Paine wanted to pursue the ideas of important figures that were fighting for independence. He attempted to persuade other Americans that were hesitant to join the dream for freedom. He wanted everyone to follow the new nation and its goal to institute a new superior government that will allow them to have more power in say in the

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