
Essay On 10 Most Useful Widgets

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10 Most Useful Widgets for Your WordPress Website WordPress is the best content management system and helps you to easily customize the site with the handy widgets. There are myriad WordPress widgets available but in this post check out the most useful widgets for your site. 1. Recent Posts Widgets with Thumbnails Recent posts are the best way to show the latest activity on your site. Whenever audience visits your site especially the repeat visitors, they are keen in checking the recent posts. Normally WordPress allows you to show the posts by default. But this widget helps you to display the recent posts along with thumbnail image. You can add the featured image to show and even adjust its size. This will enhance the user experience. 2. …show more content…

5. Image Widget Whenever you want to add the images to the sidebar then you normally have to add the HTML code. It is sometimes difficult for the layman but this widget is very helpful in displaying the images without any technical skills. You just need to select the image and you can easily add the caption to it. Thus it makes the WordPress development and customization very easy. 6. YouTube Channel Gallery Most of the sites now have the YouTube channel and displaying the videos on the sidebars is the great way to get the views for videos. Add this widget and display your videos as it really makes the WordPress development and customization easy for adding the YouTube videos. Videos create a good user experience and you will also get the subscribers for the YouTube channel. 7. Testimonials Widget Adding testimonials is an effective way to satisfy the customers and get a lot of projects. When customers read the testimonials, they can trust your site and buy the products or services from your site. You can select the number of testimonials to be displayed. For better results, you can add this widget in the footer of the site. 8. WordPress Popular Posts As the name suggests, this widget helps in adding the popular posts to the site. Showing the popular posts helps in getting more engagements for the posts and increasing the time spent on the site. It displays the popular posts by the number of views or number of comments. If

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