
Arsenal Of Democracy

Decent Essays

America’s Role As the ‘Arsenal of Democracy’ When World War II began, the United States was not initially apart of it. What sparked the beginning was Nazi Germany’s attack on Poland in September 1939. Even though we were not at the center of the action, our country did take steps to assist and protect weaker countries, like the United Kingdom. Roosevelt felt it was important to “be the great Arsenal Democracy…[he believed] we must apply ourselves to our task with the same resolution, the same sense of urgency, the same spirit of patriotism and sacrifice as we would show were we at war.” Because of this, the zeal and patriotism America showed was greatly increased. We took advantage of the power we had and the American Industry began to put forth collective efforts in supporting the Allies.
The axis powers, Germany, Japan, & Italy, were strong powers which stood for overpowering weaker nations by expanding their territories. As we were a part of the allied powers, along with Great Britain, China, and the Soviet Union, the United States felt it was imperative to provide military aid to not only the United Kingdom, but to whoever was in need of the help. Ultimately, what brought us into the war was when the Japanese bombed the American fleet in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941. Once …show more content…

During World War II we stood for our own nation, as well as others with similar views. We were and still are strong, militarily, economically and politically, so it feels only right to be a helping hand to those nations which have a weaker government. Roosevelt was a smart man, and he did well with identifying to us the great need to assist in fighting the battles of our allies. This not only strengthen alliances, on our behalf, but it also instilled a great amount of pride, and patriotism, and strength into our own people, as a united

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