
Essay On Application Of Logic

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Introduction to Logic (FINAL TERM PAPER) [HSS 105] Ashar Alam [20140901] Application of Logic in the Legal World

Many involved in legal practice would argue that a case in a court of law is only won on the basis of evidences and witnesses. But those people don’t mention logic; because they sub-consciously take logic for granted; as you would take a premise understood in an enthymeme. Many scholars, both inside and outside the field of law argue that law’s today are the result of years’ of experience and observation and try to keep law outside the scope of logic. The aim of this study is to dispel any ignorance of principles and use of logic in legal practices and emphasize how logic forms an integral basis of legal practices and laws (Cohen) 1. We will show how logical elements like syllogism, fallacies etc. developed hundreds of years ago are still used in the structuring of legal arguments. We will also throw light upon how Aristotelian logic is used in legal …show more content…

Also some summer schools and special programs like Harvard’s should be there to enlighten students about the relation between law and logic. Most of the times, logic plays a crucial role in bringing people to justice in the guise of legal arguments. A failure or a mistake on behalf of the judiciary, questions itself the applicability of the judicial machinery in its authority to judge matters. And we want that all the cases should be dealt by competent lawyers who can convincingly use legal arguments having a strong background in formal logic. Thus it we still have time to improve the reputation of judiciary in the world with logic education in the legal field so it is more acceptable to society before people lose hope in

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