
Essay On Baby Boomers

Decent Essays

Baby Boomers have been one of the most powerful forces in shaping the economic environment and are the wealthiest generation in the United States (Kotler and Armstrong, 2015). “In their early years, “Leading Edge” Boomers enjoyed economic prosperity, and their resulting financial power in their prime years drove rising trends in everything. However, the recessionary years of the early 1970’s also added cautionary realities to their youthful consumption and employment dreams” (“America’s Oldest Boomers”, n.d.). Baby boomers control approximately 70% of the disposable income in the United States, therefore, they are known as being one of the most influential financial forces in the marketplace (“Baby Boomers Report”, 2015). As they reach their …show more content…

A few of the most common occupations for baby boomers include, but are not limited to, office clerks and administrative support services, accounting and bookkeeping, sales management/business management/middle management, manual labor and construction workers, law enforcement, elementary school teachers and nurses (“Selected Post”, n.d.). Women were typically the ones found working clerical jobs because of the financial stability and convenient work schedule that these jobs provided (“Selected Post”, n.d.). Throughout the baby boomer generation, many of the college graduates pursued careers in bookkeeping and accounting, as well as in middle management, sales, and business (“Selected Post”, n.d.). For those who didn’t receive a college education, manual labor and construction jobs were popular due to the fact that workers could start without having an education and could easily learn the required skills while on the job (“Selected Post”, n.d.). Law enforcement was yet another common career path chosen by baby boomers because they wanted to make a difference in their

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