
Death Penalty In Texas Essay

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There are laws and decisions of United States government and higher orders that present controversy to the people of America. In the state of Texas the application of the death penalty is difficult to interpret, especially for the mentally ill, because there is no written law or bill that explains the execution implication in complete detail. The death penalty is a capital punishment of death for those who have committed such high crime. This penalty goes for everyone who does such act no matter who you are, how rich how poor, or where you stand in society. For the longest time, even with the mindset and understanding that those who commit crime to a certain level can receive the execution punishment, the concern and debate whether the mentally …show more content…

The Supreme Court has allowed and given permission to the government and the independent states to freely decide to allow or ban the execution of the perceptually ill. Texas, from the 12 of the 40 death penalty states that have prohibited the execution of mentally ill persons, is the only state that has not done anything to comply with any regards to this matter (Ellis, Fiorenza, Rodney par 8). This is the reason we see more executions of people with mental retardation. There are no legitimate rules stated by the government and state of Texas on who can be exempt and who cannot be exempt. The only determinate is the measurable level of sanity in a person. There are ways around the death penalty for people who are not in their conscious being/ state, but in Texas this is something that gets decided by a group of people and what they believe is the right decision. In this case, what circumstances are considered in the decision of death punishment for the insane? According to the death penalty people with a mental illness, there life and death decisions are decided upon their IQ and their level of

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