
Essay On False Confessions

Decent Essays

False confessions is a major flaw in the criminal justice system that must be addressed through videotaping and audio recording with the help of outside viewers. There are a few cause to this problem and society as a whole can change them to solve the problem of false confessions. Throughout this paper, it will address the problem the cause and give a few solutions to fix this issue that is present. False confessions in incarceration rates are a current flaw in the justice system. Just in one state there has been hundred of false confessions. " A study in the North Carolina Law Review documenting 125 false confessions" (Why the innocents confess).The number continues to grow as time continues on even when the evidence says otherwise. DNA has exonerated 175 people, 1/5 of the people confessed to the crimes. But most people use confessions as a way to sentence someone instead of using DNA (why the innocents confess). Even though DNA is present most people will still use a confession to determine of someone is guilty or not. False confessions can …show more content…

A major cause of false confessions are the way they use the polices or interrogators use interrogation tactics, they leave the innocent suspect feeling trapped and guilty. Most courts condone these tactics (why the innocents confess). Even when the courts do not agree with these tactics they still let them happen. It is less work for jurors to ignore the problem then to face another issue head-on. Race and mental abilities of those being question play and effect to confess. Some government officials may be biased and use it in their power, especially if you easily manipulated and they want to close a case quickly (McCollum v. North Carolina). If you have a mental ability that affects you or your race is other than Caucasian, most people already have the stigma that you are more likely to commit a crime even if you are innocent leading you to

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