
Essay On Indian Removal

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Indian Removal Essay
From “friendly neighbors” to “noble savages” the view from the early settlers to Americans and their government in the Eighteenth Century, certainly deteriorated over history. The Federal Government did not view the Indians to have the same rights as the white man. Native Americans were told that they had some legal status within the nation, through treaties that assured them that lands would be theirs forever. This was basically a façade. This came about over time because the white men wanted more and more of the rich lands that the Indians had claimed. The treaties were not being honored by Congress and this caused more problems between the Indians and the white settlers. As more new settlers came to America, the middle ground, where Indians and white settlers had learned to live among one another collapsed due to intolerance of each other’s cultures. Congress began to try to persuade the Iroquois, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Cherokee leaders into signing treaties ceding their lands to the United States. This attempt failed because the Indians had already claimed these lands as their own and they did not want to leave. The Indians continued to resist the white settlers moving in and taking their lands. The violence continued and the Miami tribe led by a warrior known as, Little Turtle defeated the United States in two major battles. Efforts to negotiate continued to fail as the Miami tribe refused to sign a treaty, unless it stated that no white

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