
Essay On Knowledge Is Shared Knowledge

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The basic definition of knowledge, as I see it, is “it can be personal or shared truths which can be justified by areas of knowing, and constructed by ways of knowing”, which is the information, understanding, a skill that we may get from experience and/or education. The application and the removal of personal knowledge influences shared knowledge, making it so that the value of itself is defined by its application and even by the lack of it. Leading to the knowledge question “To what extent is shared knowledge more valuable to the world than personal knowledge?”. How can one define ‘Value’ and is it fair to say that if knowledge is not shared, it is not applied in the world? Valuable to whom? To what? How do we measure value? Who judges value? …show more content…

Shared knowledge is directly applied to the world so therefore it is valuable. In the Visual Arts, projects are hardly not shared with the world, as the main purpose of these is to express the artist’s feelings, creativity and also emotions, exhibiting and even selling the works. Art is made to be seen, shared, and to be personal, therefore it is born as personal knowledge and develops into shared knowledge once it is finished and exhibited, or if the artist wants to keep it personal, shared knowledge won’t take place. In most of the cases, art is meant to be shared. Most early investigations in new artist process get inspired from previous artistic works and are usually inspired from other sources when creating it. In making art using shared knowledge, one is contributing to the artistic world, as numerous people take both inspiration and simply joy the fact that they are viewing it. In the same way, art is applied in the world through sharing, as artists continuously learn from and inspire from each other. If art was never shared, and was simply personal, the depth behind it and its real potential would never come to light and would not be known. An example of this is Lucio Fontana, who was the first artist to paint on canvas. Before him no one had ever done anything on a canvas. He was revolutionary and his influence on the arts is still recognized. If the artist did not share his new idea and what he had done, this could have only happened years later, creating a delay compared with

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