
Essay On Law Affecting A Business

Decent Essays

Laws affect a business in many different ways as it can change a way a business operates. This can include factors such as wages, how employees are treated and what a business can or can’t do. Recruitment is the stages a business goes through to employ staff. The higher the role within the business the more complex the recruiting sector would be. To recruit it would require the people applying to fill in an application. Leading on to selection, this is where the business goes through the process of choosing the best applicant, best suited for the job role.
Before recruiting a business looks at alternative methods in which they can recruit. They would normally look internally within the business as this is cheaper and it saves more time, …show more content…

However, external recruitment can be time consuming if the business gets a load of applications. Also, with external recruitment, some organisations such as Tesco require a telephone interview process. The negative side of this is applicants may not appear as good as they were on through call.
Tesco is a large business in which requires a lot of staff for it to operate sufficiently. The company has more than 360,000 employees worldwide. The main reason for recruiting is based on factors such as the business is progressing and growing, which would mean more staff are required. Along with this reasons such as retirement, redundancy, dismissal, maternity leave, long term sickness can be the cause which the business can employ staff for a permanent or a short term contact. A permanent contract can be available to someone the business will need for a long time. The first option for Tesco is to look within the business and they advertise this job role “internally on its intranet for two weeks.”
To apply for the business in particular job roles such as office work require a different application process to other roles such as store retailers. Firstly, in order to apply for a job you would require registering and creating a profile. The image on the right shows the information you are required to fill in, in order to create an account. The use of creating an online profile is it allows people applying and employees to keep a track of their achievements and update their

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