
Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Hi I’m Dominick and I’m going to persuade you to agree with me to legalize recreational marijuana use can benefit the U.S. Even though the drug is consider dangerous, it has many pros and cons. Marijuana has many advantages. Including taxing the drug and if it becomes legal for recreational use, it can cause more efficient for law enforcement for more serious crimes. Marijuana has been used as a new form of taxes as it is in Colorado & Washington. Reports have shown that taxing the drug can bring in 5 million-22 million dollars annually. Taxing the drug may also bring a 15 percent excise based tax on the average wholesale market rate. By taxing the drug you can bring an extravagant amount of taxes, and reduce illegal sale of marijuana. If marijuana was legal, law enforcement can be more efficient and worry about more serious crimes. Also by legalizing marijuana it can add …show more content…

If marijuana was legal, then many dangerous “drug lords” will potentially lose business. But this would only increase the chance to have illegal “hard drugs” to be used and sold in the U.S. The term “hard drugs” is a classification of many illegal drugs that are currently being illegally used that may cause many harmful long term physical health problems, and lead to physical addiction. So if the U.S were to legalized marijuana, it’s a high probability that “drug lords” would increase the use and sale of “hard drugs”. So in my conclusion I believe that marijuana should be legalized for recreational use in all states in the United States. Legalizing the drug can have a positive effect in our economy as well to our law enforcement. But although legalization of the drug can be positive there also some negative effects, such as in our health and “drug lords” trying to encourage and distribute “hard drugs” in order to maintain business. But overall legalizing marijuana for recreational use can benefit the U.S in many

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