
Essay On Letter From Birmingham Jail

Decent Essays

Rhetorical Analysis In “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” by imprisoned civil rights activist, Martin Luther King Jr, King responds to eight white religious leaders who criticized the timing of his demonstrations with the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights in Birmingham. King’s purpose is to justify why the the activists could wait no longer to take “direct action” against the unjust segregation in Birmingham. King effectively uses tone, cause and effect, and examples to defend the actions of the activists against the city of Birmingham and appeal to the logic of his audience. King effectively creates a respectful tone in the letter to maintain the attention of the religious leaders, and make them more likely to listen and agree with the arguments he presents. King declares, “I would like to answer your statement in what I hope will be patient and reasonable terms.” By intending …show more content…

By offering a reason for the demonstrations in Birmingham, King defends the actions of the activists and appeals to the logic of the religious leaders. King declares, “we realized we were the victims of a broken promise… so we had no alternative except that of preparing for direct action.” King further argues to the religious leaders that the demonstrations of the activists were justified because merchants in Birmingham went back on the promise of taking down their racial signs. King offers legitimate reasons for the actions taken by the protesters in Birmingham. He displays that the only option in dealing with the injustices in Birmingham was “direct

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