
Essay On Lieko Shiga

Decent Essays

Ashley Breton
MoMA: Ocean of Images Response


‘Rasen Kaigan is all work completed in the wake of the disastrous tsunami of 2011 that led to the nuclear disaster at Fukushima. She employs a dazzling, fresh, dynamic style, photographing at night or dusk with blown out flash, cross-processing and double exposures conveying a palpable energy and a sense of chaos.’ What first attracted me to Leiko Shiga’s work was her use of lighting and color. Her phantom like style transmits the viewer to another realm. The presentation of these dark spaces being selectively lit omits the feeling of intrusion. I relate this space to a state of mind, like snapshots of memories of people and places, slowing fading in and out of recognition.
I found Shiga’s approach in making a body of work about the disasters in Japan to be elusive, without the information on her I wouldn’t have made the connection back to her home. With background her use of colors start to suggest radiation in the way that they create a glowing effect along with the minimal light on the overall composition. Her use of flash becoming very in your face mimicking what one would assume a nuclear explosion would be like. A sense of dread permeates the work of Lieko Shiga as if we are privy to a pagan ritual in some secret village in Japan. What she has achieved during her extended stay in Kitakama is a dreamlike fable of a coastal community tainted by the ghosts of the recent tsunami.
‘”Canary" show human bodies or objects floating free of gravity, or bodies in what look like scenes of electrified telepathic communication, surrounded by bright lights, fire or over-exposed …show more content…

Web. 19 Nov. 2015. Strettell, David. "Page View." Web. 19 Nov. 2015.

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