
Essay On Mark Whitarce

Better Essays

Summary of the story line
The movie is based on events that took place in the 1900’s where the vice president of the company ADM (Archer Daniels Midland) Mark Whitarce took the role of being a FBI mole to assist them with an investigation that could potentially bring the company down. He did this by wearing a wire and taping meetings for three years to expose the price fixing scheme within the company, this came about after his wife Ginger Whitarce had pressured him to speak to the FBI agents of the case Brian Shepard and Robert Herndon about the unethical business operation, she did this knowing that the agents would refer back to him if they had analyzed the phone records which consists of information on the personal calls being made to …show more content…

He worked as an informant for three years to compile enough evidence for the state to arrest those in top management positions claiming that he does not believe in the way in which the business operates but later on the agents find out that during the same time Mark was working hand in hand with the FBI he had been performing illegal activities-fraud, he had embezzled over nine million dollars from his own company while also trying to earn the position of being the next CEO (president) of the company. He lied numerous times about the illegal activities which then comprised the case against those who were part of the price fixing scheme leading to him spending time in jail more than those in top management Terry Wilson and Mick Andreas. In the end the company was run by new …show more content…

It is essential to know that every single event that occurs within a business has an external impact that can be social, economical, physically, etc. Good governance prevents businesses from performing illegal operations that benefit them but have a negative impact in other aspects. Good corporate governance also includes obeying the law, the two are not separated. In order for a company to be fully governed in an appropriate manner, it needs to follow the law and make it a norm to perform every action legally. Below are characteristics that best describe a business with good

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