
Essay On Nowaday Technology

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Up to one out of every five children in the U. S. is overweight and this number is continuing to rise. However, obese children are at high risk of becoming overweight along with adolescents and adults, placing them at risk of developing continual illnesses such as heart diseases and diabetes later in life. Many of these children’s spend a lot time being inactive and that’s definitely the major issue today ,children of the past created their own form of play. Nowaday technological impact takes part of the majority of their play, grossly limiting challenges to their creativity and imaginations. Advancing technology on the developing child has seen an increase of physical, psychological and behavior disorder. Child obesity is now a national epidemic related …show more content…

We are the only ones who have control of our bodies and the way we want to take care of it. Although this will have a great impact in your life if you decide to put hands on your health. It will have positive long-term and short-term benefits from making you feel and look your best, boost your energy, help you maintain a healthy weight to even combating diseases.This will not only serve us but the future generations coming. Food is the major component of energy, you need it in order to survive.Using daily food plans, as a plan to help you make a smart choice when picking foods and beverages, that meet your nutrition needs such as; the right portion sizes and intaking the right nutrients while still staying in your calorie limits. Taking action on this will influence your choices to a healthy path and weight. Also learn how to eat from a variety of food groups. Now, If you don’t have a plan of how to manage how much you eat and drink, don’t worry. You don’t have to change everything you eat at once! Acclimate slowly to this new lifestyle it will be worth

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