
Essay On Police Use Of Force Complaints

Decent Essays

In the year 2002, there were 26,556 complaints filed by citizens against the large police departments for their police officers use of force. This was a rate of 6.6 per 100 full-time sworn police officers and with 10.9 per 100 full-time sworn police officers responding to calls. The complaints filed showed that 22,238 or 84% of them being received by the larger municipal police departments. The Sheriffs’ offices had 2,815 uses of force complaints which were 11% and the rate of 3.4 per 100 sworn police officers. The county police departments had 763 of the use of force complaints which was about 3% which was a rate of 2.9 per 100. The State law police department had 749 file uses of force complaints which were about 3%. That was the lowest rates of 1.3 per 100 officers. Rates of the use of force complaint are increased because of the agency size. The municipal police departments received 45 per agency that being the highest amount of use of force complaints. Then by the county police departments which had 24 per agency and the State police department with 15 per agency with the Sheriffs’ offices that received the least amount at 13 per agency (Hickman, 2006).
Use of Force
In 1999 data shows that police departments had police …show more content…

There was also three other areas included in the study that includes the applications of the use of force. The first was the use 82% of force with restraints in 7,512 situations. The second area was the use of handcuffs where officers reported the use of force 0.9%. Lastly were the applications of leg irons that were applied requiring 0.4% of the time with the use of force during arrests. Restraints that did not require the use of force was 16% of the time. Police vehicle pursuits occurred in the use of force required 3% and 2.4% for the arrest of those pursuits 94.4% did not require an

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