
Essay On Recreational Marijuana

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Government Ruling on Recreational Marijuana
Marijuana has been used long before it showed up in the United states. It was widly popular and used among some of the world's earliest civilizations. Historic Documents show that the cannabis plants were used to produce rope and fabric around 7000 B.C in South and Central Asia. It was also found being referenced in Chinese manuscripts dating all the way back to 2700 B.C. In the 1500’s marijuana, known as Cannabis Sativa was used to make industrial goods. The recreational use in America became popular in the early 20th century. Misunderstandings started to arise shortly after. The idea that Marijuana was as bad cocaine or heroin was along the lines of the misunderstandings that the plant had, but there have never been any records of human deaths due to intake of Cannabis Sativa or Cannabis Indica. There is in fact a difference between “Marijuana” and “Hemp”, but the distinctions has always been confusing. They are both species of the same genus botanically speaking. What separates the two is the amount of anti psychoactive and Psychoactive …show more content…

In the 17th century government tried to encourage at home growing of hemp for the production of ropes, clothing, and sails for boats. The Virginia Assembly passed legislation making the growing of hemp a requirement for every farmer. It was even allowed to be used as currency. Many people used it as a trading good instead of money in Pennsylvania, Virginia and in Maryland. The massive production of hemp was a big deal up until the end of the Civil War. After this imports replaced hemp for many purposes. The late 19th Century welcomed marijuana as a medical ingredient in products that were sold over the counter. Towards the ending of the 19th century Hashish became a fad in france and someone in the US. That’s when the plant started to become questionable to some

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