
Essay On Suicide In Romeo And Juliet

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Desperate Times, Desperate Measures Suicide is a horrible tragedy and should never have to happen, but unfortunately, some people think there are no other options. In “Romeo and Juliet” by Shakespeare, the main characters, Romeo and Juliet, take their own lives. They decide to do this because they feel the only way out of their current situation is to kill themselves. They were so desperate that it got to the point where they couldn’t handle the pressure. Although readers agree on how they died, an argument occurs when this question is brought up. What pushed Romeo and Juliet past the breaking point that eventually led to their desperate actions? Some readers blame internal forces such and immaturity and impulsive behavior, while others …show more content…

Second, when Juliet was asked about marriage and when she wanted to be wedded, she told her parents she had no interest in marrying, and she thought she was too young. “Marry, that 'marry' is the very theme I came to talk of.—Tell me, daughter Juliet, How stands your disposition to be married? It is an honor that I dream not of.”(1.3.68-71) This is the first time Juliet is asked about marriage, and she clearly makes it known that she is not interested. Out of nowhere, Capulet arranges the marriage of Juliet and Paris on Thursday. Juliet says she does not want to be married to Paris, and says that she will not truly be happy. Lord Capulet does not like what Juliet says, and gets very angered with her. He even goes on to say that she is not welcome under his roof if she doesn’t marry him. Without having any support from her parents, Juliet feels very alone. First, she does not want to get married to Paris, and second, she is in love with a Montague. This is all frowned upon from both families, and the only people Juliet seems to trust are Friar Lawrence, and the Nurse. Unfortunately, Nurse even suggests she marry Paris, so the only people she feels are on her side are Friar Lawrence and Romeo. When Romeo and Juliet decide to take their own lives, the fact that they didn't have many other people besides themselves made suicide more appealing to them.They were desperate to be with each other. Finally, fate had a big impact on the future of Romeo and Juliet and was the

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