
Essay On Tattoos And Tattoos

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Discrimination and Tattoos In the past, people used to see people with tattoos as lacking in character and work ethic. In light of the growing popularity of tattoos in the modern age, people’s opinions have stayed away from that. While the United Kingdom may not be as well known for heavily tattooed people as other countries in the world, the popularity in the United Kingdom is growing. Tattoos do not affect a person’s character or work ethic; therefore, should not be discriminated against in the United Kingdom. When most people see a person that is heavily tattooed, they do not see the typical hard working family man. They see an inked up delinquent or a drug addict. What they do not think about is that many people love to express …show more content…

In the United Kingdom, there are no laws protecting employees from employer discrimination on the sole basis of body art. During the hiring process, employers can have the most qualified applicant possible with tattoos, but under current United Kingdom law, they can hire a less qualified person who has no tattoos. This practice is completely legal without being considered a form of discrimination. Employers in the United Kingdom stigmatize tattooed applicants’ and/or employees’ work ethic, believing that they will not work as hard and send a negative image to their clients (Michael). This kind of discrimination is unjust and unethical. The only way a person can challenge this type of discrimination is if they are directly religious and even then, the employee would have to go through a strenuous process of actually proving it has direct religious ties. With the popularity of tattoos in the United Kingdom growing rapidly, many employers are being forced to cut back on their prejudicial opinions of tattoos. According to the BBC, roughly twenty percent of the United Kingdom’s population has at least one tattoo. Among young adults, the numbers rise to roughly thirty- three percent (Kelly). Some companies will tolerate tattoos with the exception of above the neck and hand tattoos, which are completely understandable in an interpersonal business that involves customer service. Still, the problem lies in the professions where employees do not make direct

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