
Essay On The Catcher In The Rye

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“ [I keep picturing] What I have to do, I have to catch everybody… I’d just be the catcher in the rye…” (page 115), a quote exhibiting the title of the book and a significant symbol. The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger expresses his feelings from a tuberculosis rest home through a story of events that happened to him just before the previous Christmas. This book, although created and published in 1951, still relates to teenagers today. One theme that is clearly seen throughout the book is authenticity versus the artificial. Holden has an issue with the adult world which is exactly polar to the attitude he holds toward children, “I was surrounded by phonies...They were coming in the goddam window”. This relates to teenagers because nowadays, we …show more content…

The title itself (Catcher in the Rye) demonstrates this theme. Throughout the book, most of the people he is shown to admire portray or protect innocence. For instance, when Holden thinks of Jane Gallagher he says they had no sexual relationship, even becomes infuriated thinking she was subjected to sexual advances by her stepfather or his roommate (Stradlater), and envisions her not as a young woman, but as the girl he played checkers with, “She’s a dancer… I used to play checkers with her all the time” (page 31). This incident relates to teenagers nowadays since when teenagers like someone, they don’t just think of them as sexual objects, but like them for their personality. Through the whole of the book, Holden brings up the title in some way, “Thousands of little kids, and nobody's around- nobody big, I mean- except me”; this statement took place when Holden discussed what he wanted to be- a catcher in the rye. This quote shows how much Holden likes children, which are full of purity, by saying he wishes to be only around kids with no adult around, except him- this is his ideal world full of

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