
Essay On The Collapse Of The Han Empire

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The collapse of the Han and the Roman Empires during the classical era has some similar factors on the social and economic aspects, namely the decline in the trade and the widespread epidemic disease. However, each faced unique factors contributing to their collapse. In the Han Empire, the weak emperors didn't have a proper position as a emperor while the influence of army generals rise up gradually, whereas Rome’ ineffective later emperors concerned more with a life of pleasure than a desire to rule wisely. Although both Han and Roman Empire was splendent for a long time, the spread of the epidemic disease pulled them to down. This was largely because the food brought by the trade route carried the disease, while the native crops …show more content…

Trade played an important role during the classical era, especially the Silk Road. People from China trade silk and pottery with the western area, and also the Roman Empire trade the iron weapon to the east. Trade system helped both two empire boost their economy, since local people were now able to have goods that come from other countries, it made the local people’s more meaningful, it helps the culture to spread as well. People had better social basis to improve their life quality, so the trade system really enhanced people’s life in the past even today. However, since it is a really crucial role, the decline of it must lead to a serious result such as the decline of both empire. Chinese merchants used to trade pottery, silk along the Silk Road, but the Huns invaded to the northern part of China. The Huns took up the place, and killed a huge amount of population, thus the Han could not develop the trade. To be specific, the most famous war is the one that Han retorted Huns, it began in 129 BCE and lasted for about 44 years. This war ceased the peace for a long time, merchants were not able to trade while the war happened in the city so severely. In the same manner or way, the decline of the trading affected Roman Empire as well. However, decline in trade affected Rome more than Han China. The Roman’s economy heavily relied on trading, since the trade routes became compromised, bandits

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