
Essay On The Dust Bowl

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The Dust Bowl was a difficult time that caused people to lose their lives or to have difficult ones. People got diseases, others lost everything they had, and kids didn’t get to grow up normal. One of these kids was Timothy Johnson. One day, he and his brothers were out when their mom called them in, as she did a loud sound crashed through their trees. They heard the stories of many dust storms forming but Timothy hadn’t known how they would affect his life. They watched as dust clouded around them, they couldn’t even see the tree Timothy and his brothers had played by. Days later after the first storm, Timothy went back to school and talked about it with his friends. A few days later at school another one hit, and all the kids had the realization of what was happening. About 6 months later kids would wear masks and many had gotten illnesses from what was now know as the Dust Bowl. Timothy grew up a lot during the Dust Bowl, he went through many hardships and learned what to do to help out his family. After, he wrote a documentary about it later becoming famous for the perfect way he portrayed it. Yet the story of Tim was only one of many caused by the Dust Bowl, an awful time that destroyed many lives.
The Dust Bowl was a dark and difficult part of life for people of the 1930’s. The Dust Bowl spread many diseases resulting in many people losing their lives. English professor, Cary Nelson, explained “The simplest acts of life, breathing, eating a meal, taking a walk, were

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