
Essay On The Roaring Twenties

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The Roaring Twenties Was the 1920’s really roaring? What really happened in order for this period to obtain this name? Well, the 1920’s gets the name Roaring Twenties due to the major change in political and social living. This period of time changed the way humans lived and viewed everyday life. With the start of many inventions including the automobile and the radio, social life began to improve for some, on the other hand the earlier generations saw this to be a coming of difference in social and racial views. This period had it reasons for being “Roaring”. With the ratification of the 19th Amendment, came new and improved rights for women and allowed women to have voting rights; this gave women a new sense of power. Women took on new roles in white collar jobs, something that only men had been doing for generations before. With this brought a new type of woman, …show more content…

Speakeasies were managed and controlled by bootleggers and other crime-oriented groups. These speakeasies were the underground bars that continued to sell and produce alcoholic beverages to the city goers. Prohibition was said to help control the mass of new immigrants that were invading the major cities; prohibition caused a sense of difference in the generation we call the Roaring Twenties. With new technology and increase of wealth came a wave of new consumer goods, with the automobile and the radio as two of the top new inventions. This made it easier for people to transport and buy goods. With the automobile came a demand for service stations as well as places for travelers to settle. The radio brought with it a new sense of entertainment which introduced Americans to a new culture, a new music style that some Americans enjoyed and some did

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