

Decent Essays

The first probe we did in class was on September, 26th. In this probe we closed our eyes, and sat in silence for sixty seconds. As soon as I closed my eyes, I instantly felt different. My eyes once closed felt heavy, and slightly burned. It was almost as if I had been told keep my eyes held open for sixty seconds. I was no longer wide awake, and mind raring to learn and to go, go. No smell hit me, as the classroom was a scent free room , and I was sitting next to a girl who likely showered every day. I could taste the salty sweat on my lips, that gathered due to the hot humidity outside. My ears searching quickly caught the steady hum of the lights overhead. Not focusing too deeply on the hum though, as my ears inadvertently bounced …show more content…

Probe # 2:
The second probe we did was on October, 3rd. During this probe no one was allowed to take notes, except for three elected students. These students then put the notes on D2L. During this probe, at first I was stressed out. My neck was tight, and my legs were jittery. My eyes bounced around the room. Quickly taking note of the power point at the front of the room, other students, and passer byers outside the windows lining the far wall. There was a cool breeze coming in through the classroom window making my skin feel slightly chilled.The feeling of stress quickly dissipated as class progressed though. My legs slowed, and neck relaxed. I found myself sitting back in my chair, listening to the class as it went by. In class we talked about symbols, touching on connotative and denotative meanings. I found that I was understanding the information more fully than I usually do, and was much more interested . I was more focused on listening and comprehension, rather than on trying to annotate in short what was being said.

The were times however when I lost focus, and I did find it harder to come back to focus than usual. Usually when I lose focus, I concentrate on writing my notes, or drawing a small picture in my margins to help me to regain focus. This time around though I couldn't do that, and I found myself taking longer to regain focus. I tried countless things to regain focus for instance, keeping eye contact with whoever

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