
Ethical Dilemmas In Wells Fargo

Satisfactory Essays

The latest scandal in the Financial Industry was Wells Fargo’s creation of over 2 million false accounts in September of 2016. It is undeniable that the actions from the employees by creation fake bank accounts and credit cards is not an ethical dilemma. In fact, these actions are not only unethical, but also illegal and therefore, should be penalized by court. However, the company’s actions before and after are ethically questionable. First, were the sales expectations too high? And second, why where 5,300 employees fired, but none of them were high level executives? The ethical dilemmas should be centered on the managerial decisions from Wells Fargo.

Nowadays, monopolies no dot exist. Every company is under extreme pressure from competitors and often times, the pressure leads managers to take unrealistic decisions. For example, companies seek metrics like maximize profit, to gain market share or to reduce risk. However, the ambition or competitiveness leads managers to make utilitarian decisions. In other words, they forget about the means, and focus only in the end result. It is very likely that high level executives from Wells Fargo had unrealistic expectations and this led to a waterfall effect to the low level employees. …show more content…

Unfortunately, these decisions were taken without any ethical perspective analysis. Not only did the customers resulted affected, but also customer service employees who had to explain unreasonable decisions to

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