
Ethical Teachings and How They Guide Adherents in Their Daily Lives

Decent Essays

Religion essay
Ethical teachings and how they guide adherents in their daily lives

Ethics can be defined as ‘Human moral conduct according to principles of what is good or right to do’. In Christianity there are certain ethical teachings, mainly The Ten Commandments, Beatitudes, and Jesus’ commandments of love. The Ten Commandments are derived from the Old Testament which defines what people must do in order to serve God faithfully and gives direction on how to live a life according to the covenant and in essence to be a good Christian person. In the New Testament the Beatitudes and Jesus’ commandments of love are found. With love being the main concept of these teachings, they and the Ten Commandments can be seen as alike as they …show more content…

The Ten Commandments are regarded as the fundamental laws that all Christians are to conform to. They were written by the hands of God himself and revealed to Moses on Mount Sinai, inscribed on two stone tablets. They offer basic rules of behaviour for spiritual and moral living to Christians. These laws still instruct Adherents today, for they expose sin and show us God's standard. Without the sacrifice of Christ, Adherents are completely helpless to live up to God's holy standard.

The beatitudes are eight statements taught by Jesus. Each Beatitude calls us towards holiness, commitment and promotes positive human values. They are concerned with virtue and how a believer in Jesus Christ can achieve that virtue. The Beatitudes are a map of life, a series of directives helping us on our journey to be with God. They are simply stated, but are profound in meaning. They guide, point and teach. In the Beatitudes, Jesus taught his followers how to let love reign the world, and when love overcomes all other things there will be a state of peace. They show Adherents the values that Christ cares about. These values if followed can not only bring a believer into a state of peace and happiness, but also right into the Kingdom of God after our journey on this earth is over. Teachings of the Beatitudes can apply to our lives today as they are timeless in teaching and ‘confronting us with

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