
Ethics of SUVs Essay example

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Ethics of SUVs

We have all seen them rumbling around the highways of America, blocking the view of the road and pounding the ground with their enormous engines. Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs) have become a part of our culture, as cars did before them and hoarse and buggies before that. Transportation has always been a part of society's development as it continues to change and adapt to our needs as well as our technology. In the beginning transportation was needed for making war on other villages, or for getting between towns, but these same animals of old were also used to till the lands and to cultivate crops. Automobiles on the other hand have changed this entire picture as they are used primarily for transportation. However, as this …show more content…

2700 were built by Bantam and then from 1941-1945 700,000 Ford and Willy Jeeps were built.(1)

It should be noted that four wheel drive technology has been around since the turn of the twentieth century. From the 1940's to the 1980's these primitive SUVs changed little as they were rough riding, back country vehicles used by the armies, campers, and hunters of the world to move easily under the toughest of conditions.

In the early 1980's changes in the SUVs began to occur as family sizes grew, gasoline prices dropped, and more people wanted to head out into the country on weekend excursions. The growth of sales gradually increased until the end of the 1980's when a sudden change in car markets occurred. People no longer wished to drive the family station wagons of days past, nevertheless they still needed vehicles that could transport many people, but with a new style. The car market found satisfaction in the sport utility vehicles. Though they were rough and not nearly as refined when compared to car standards people like the concept. The idea of being able to go anywhere anytime appealed to many as they began to drop thousands of dollars into these new vehicles.

Before 1980 SUV design as well as production had always been behind cars, however, it did not take long for the car manufacturers such as GM and Ford to begin mass production of SUVs. With the jump in sales of SUVs the demands of buyers became more and more upscale. No longer were these

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