
Eugenics And The Social Movement

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Eugenics began in the United States in the 20th century. Sir Francis Galton, cousin of Charles Darwin introduced Eugenics to the world. He first used the word in the late 1800s. The term Eugenics comes from the greek roots for good and origin or good birth (Bouche 1). In America the social movement was led by Charles Davenport in the 1900’s. Eugenics was the social movement where people believed that by selective breeding and sterilization only good traits could be passed down to children. It was believed that by using these methods genetic features would greatly improve. That all undesirable traits would be gone and everyone would be “perfect”. Eugenics was used as a scientific way to get rid of social problems During the eugenics social …show more content…

Because of this those who did not belong to the white race were forced to be sterilized even if some of them did not have any of what eugenicists considered “bad” traits. The only ones who were seen as “fit” to reproduce were they middle class people belonging to the white race. They were the only one encouraged to have big families. Most of the “undesirable” traits came from the uneducated, poor, and minority populations. Eugenicists tried to find every small thing that would make someone unfit to reproduce, they even made up reasons or used reasons that did not make sense in order to sterilize people. Civil rights were violated because those who were deemed “unfit” to reproduce were forced to be sterilized they did not have a say in the matter. Sterilization laws were passed in order to force people to be sterilized, the first sterilization law was enacted in Virginia in 1905 and 29 other states followed. “By 1924, approximately 3,000 people had been involuntarily sterilized in America” (Lombardo 1). Carrie Bucks’ civil rights were violated in the Buck v bell case she was forced to be sterilized because of traits of “feeblemindedness” which is not a medical term. Harry Laughlin who never met Carrie or her mother sent a written letter with “evidence” on her feeblemindedness. Evidence today shows that

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