
European Union : Its Impact On International Perception Of The Eu

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European Union: Since its founding in 1958, the European Union’s main purpose has been to promote peace, human rights, cooperation, democratic ideals, and the well-being of the European people. It has enabled Europe to emerge from destruction of World War II with a much unified marketplace, connected through a single currency, the Euro. The EU is a unique structure in that it is one of the biggest governing alliances worldwide that has been reasonably successful in its purpose. There are several elements of the structure, such as the European Council, European Parliament, Council of the EU, and the European Commission, as well as many others that help the EU to run efficiently and effectively. One of the most important aspects of the European Union is most likely the European Commission, due to its highly influential role on the management of the EU, as well as its impact on international perception of the EU. The Commission is headed by a single president, under whom there are 28 Commissioners, one from each EU country. Each Commissioner serves a 5 year term in the EU, and each one is assigned a specific area of EU policy by the president of the EU. An important aspect of the European Commission is its ability to propose new laws to Parliament and the European Council (in most cases, this is only done when issues cannot be dealt with at the national, regional, or local level). If at least half of the Commissioners agree with the proposed law, the draft is sent to the

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