
Europeans and Africans have always had some form of interaction mainly through trade, at the time

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Europeans and Africans have always had some form of interaction mainly through trade, at the time Africans either traded goods or their own people. This lead to Europeans establishing trading post all over Africa, such as El Mina where they traded slaves all around the world. The Europeans became greedy and wanted not only slaves, but Africa’s natural resources. They began to battle over land, Africans did not have the weaponry to win these battles. This helped Europe to increase in land and power throughout Africa. They began to illegally divide the land, throughout Africa in the early 1800s, it was not till the Berlin conference that Africa was legally divided. This was the known as the Scramble for Africa, presented by King Leopold, who …show more content…

This gave them the opportunity to help resist against the colonial rule by writing protest letters, to read and understand the laws in order to inform uneducated Africans. Some of the protest were based off economic struggles they had an impact towards decolonization. Some Mali farmers resisted attempts by colonial officials to control the production of cotton. There were very few mass protest in the early resistance, because of the separation between colonies. One of the most important early resistance movement that impacted later women mass movements was the Aba Women’s War of 1929 in the southern district of Nigeria. The protest started with a confrontation between and a woman and a man who was sent to find out how many people were in her village, immediately other women rushed to help the woman who was being beat. Eventually thousands of woman were in the streets wearing the local symbol for war ready to fight, at the end of the protest thirty two women were killed. By the 1940s many mass parties were created and spread throughout many of the colonial regions. Although the mass parties were spreading some people wanted to break off and create new parties with their own ideology implemented. An example would be Kwame Nkrumah, he left the United Gold Coast Convention (UGCC) to create his party called Convention People's Party (CPP), because he felt that the UGCC was

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