
Evaluation Of A Nursing Career Essay

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One of the many goals of the nursing profession is to provide high-quality, safe patient care. There are many responsibilities that come with a nursing career and when the nurse to patient ratio increases, there is a possibility that it may hinder the safe care that patients deserve, and this may result in negative patient outcomes and level of satisfaction. Staffing is one of the many issues that healthcare facilities face. In many facilities, there never seems to be enough nurses per shift to provide high quality, thorough patient care which often leads to burnt out staff, and frustrated patients and families. This review discusses the findings of quantitative studies and one systematic review that involves patient outcomes in relation to nurse staffing. The first quantitative study analyzed was conducted by Dabney and Kalisch in 2015 and surveyed 729 patients. The purpose of the study was to continue researching for any correlation between patient outcomes and nurse staffing. They analyzed patient reports of missed nursing care and determined if there was a relationship between patient reports and the nurse staffing levels. The design and sample include data that was obtained in the study of patient reports of missed nursing care and compared it to the level of nurse staffing. The sample was made up of 729 patients on 20 units in 2 hospitals. The 20 units consisted of 12 medical units with 420 participants, 6 surgical units with 255 participants, and 2 rehabilitation

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