
Evolutions Of Hunting And Hunting

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Bob woke up early to set up trail cameras on his hunting land. He monitors the pictures and maps out where and when deer typically pass by. Later he has a plan to start hunting that is very efficient. Bob uses his a rifle to take down the 10 point buck he had been watching for a week before he even got to the hunting land. Hunting today is very different than in the past. Anyone that likes or still does hunt has to have a question on how the sport people enjoy so much today started. Many people just think of cavemen and old extinct animals such as mammoth when people think of the start of hunting, which yes, it was an early form of hunting but it also was survival for their family and others. It actually was not fun at all for the cavemen; it was one of the hardest things to do was bring down a big animal just with spears and other tools they needed to hunt in order to survive. Many hunters today wonder how the sport of hunting was started. Many would be surprised to learn that it did not start off as a sport, but one of the only ways for survival. It is important to learn about early hunting methods, evolution of survival, and hunting as a sport today.


Hunting methods have changed over time according to what people had available l to use as weapons. In her article “Rise of the Human Predator,¨ author Kate Wong said, “270,000 years ago our ancestors became skilled hunters.” Although people did not have the technology that

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