
Examine the different ways Fitzgerald represents men’s treatment of women in The Great Gatsby using The Catcher In The Rye to illuminate your response

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Plan for English essay- 1500 words (375 words per paragraph) -underline every time title is used. POINT 1: Women are treated like objects TS: Fitzgerald uses many different techniques throughout the novel to show that women are a product of their men and are objectified by society. QUOTES: - Tom buys Daisy the pearl necklace before their wedding “he gave her a string of pearls valued at three hundred and fifty thousand dollars” and Myrtle a dog leash “a small, expensive dog-leash, made of leather and braided silver.” - Tom buys Myrtle a dog (a dog is a mans servant) “here’s your money. Go and buy 10 more dogs with it”, shows worthlessness of the dogs to Tom (relevance to Myrtle). (Other viewpoint) Giacomo and Michael “On the …show more content…

- Tom doesn’t believe Jordan is capable of looking after herself “Nick’s going to look after her, aren’t you Nick?” - Nick says never trust a woman “dishonesty in a woman is something you can never blame too deeply.”- You should expect women to lie, they don’t know any better. - Nick implies Myrtle’s personality changes because of her appearance change- she can’t think for herself and needs the clothing “with the influence of the dress her personality had undergone a change”. -Tom believes Daisy can’t make her own mind up “sometimes she gets foolish ideas in her head and doesn’t know what she’s doing” TCIRT: - “if they're sort of stupid, you fall half in love with them” presumes girls are stupid. - “I spent the whole night necking with a terrible phony named Anne Louise Sherman.” CONTEXT: Fitzgerald’s personal view of women, quote “Women are so weak, really – emotionally unstable – and their nerves, when strained, break . . . this is a man’s world.” POINT 3: Men take advantage of and use women, however women accept it. TS: In the novel, there is a strong correlation between men romanticizing their woman, and men using and taking advantage of their women. This is shown through various factors. QUOTES: - Daisy knows that Tom is having

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