
Example Of The Hegelian Dialectic

Decent Essays

1 Hegelian Dialectic: a step by step guide to controlling an outcome.

A dialectical (Divided) method of argument by 19th Century German philosopher, G.W.F. Hegel. It is a method Comprised of Thesis, antithesis, and synthesis.

The Hegelian Dialectic. A process where the contradiction between the Thesis and Antithesis resolves to a higher level of truth, the synthesis. Also knows as the Problem, Reaction, Solution.

Its getting to the truth by exchange of logical arguments. When manipulating this method a person or group of people are swayed to chose a desired outcome. Understanding is the first step to controlling. This formulaic trick moves groups of people. It is how we get many major changes in our society.

One guy lights his shoe on fire; now everyone removes their shoes at the airport.
One guy lights his underwear on fire; most everyone gets body scanned. (Opting out is purposefully inconvenient )
Presenting the extreme cases govern the majority. It is why the defense against a critical thinker is often grouping them with a exaggerated caricature. "Do you Hate America?" This polar opposite takes the spotlight off the subject of debate.

When you question claims in the mainstream. You are a "Science Denier". But, as when science said trans fat are good, later found untrue. Scientist were actually paid to blame Saturated fat over the real poison, sugar. A truth that took 50 years to get straitened out. Some people exaustedly arguing with science. And now, the food manufacturers given 3 years to get that proven harmful chemical out of our food. Meanwhile it is still contributing to bad health. And cause more pain an suffering than terrorism in our country.

Staying with food. You can find many other examples with Aspertame, Fluoride, BPA's, and HFC's to name a few. But many will question your skepticism against the FDA. Why group drugs with food anyway?

How calling CNN "fake news" takes away from actual falsities in the media. Fake news referred to news reports that are exaggerated or completely false. (Search Pallywood, Charles Jaco, David Cole or Media Fakery.) Very challenging subjects to discuss with most people. As if the questioning itself is a threat to the story.

This is how control ramps

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