
Example Of The Three Theoretical Perspectives Of Sociology

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Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology
Nanesha Greathouse

This paper describes the three major theoretical perspectives in Sociology: symbolic interactionism, functionalism and conflict theory. Sociologists developed these theoretical perspectives to help explain the way individuals conduct themselves and to help us to gain a better understanding of the world around us. Throughout this paper, the reader will learn about each perspective and its origin as well as additional information as to how it applies to our lives. Examples will also be provided to gain a clear understanding.

Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology
Sociology helps us to gain a better understanding of the society and understand why …show more content…

As mentioned above, sociologists study symbolic interactionism at the micro level meaning their focus is on a smaller scale. Symbolic interactionism suggests that our behavior or who we are is influenced by the way others view us. We react to things based on how we see others react to things. For example, if we see our parents remain calm after hurting themselves when we are children, we will also remain calm. Another example would be a person’s love for reading. Based on the meaning of symbolic interactionism, one could conclude that one’s love for reading was achieved through their interactions with friends, family, or school.
Unlike symbolic interactionism, conflict theory is a macro-level approach. Conflict theory, founded by German Philosopher Karl Marx, can be defined as “a theoretical framework in which society is viewed as composed of groups that are competing for scarce resources” (Henslin, 2014, p. 33). This perspective differs from symbolic interactionism in that it views society as a competition for limited resources. Marx argues that society is composed of individuals within different social classes that face economic inequalities. The focus of conflict theory is that economic inequalities increase social differences and also leads to differences in power. German sociologist Max Weber added that in addition to economic inequalities that these inequalities lead to conflict. Conflict arises because resources are limited.
Conflict theory suggests

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