
Examples Of Ancient Empires Exert Power

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Ancient empires had their own unique ways of exerting political power. After a period known as the Neolithic Revolution, early people settled down to create villages and states, and eventually civilizations formed. As the first civilizations grew larger and more powerful in Europe and Asia, governments became more complex and certain political methods were used to obtain a strong, centralized government. Before 600 C.E., ancient empires exerted political power using different methods, such as creating strict laws for all to follow, avoiding harsh punishments, distributing power to others, specifically free males, and embracing the cultures of other empires. These methods employed by ancient empires allowed them to maintain a centralized government …show more content…

After the Qin Dynasty rule ended in China, the Han Dynasty was established and Confucianism spread. Confucianists believed that people should respect their superiors, they should have polite manners, and that emperors should rule by the means of their virtue instead of punishments. Documents 6 explains that if the people in China were to be led by virtue, then overall they will be good and all troubles can be avoided. Nonetheless, it is important to note that this document was written by the students of Confucius who may have favored their own method of exerting political power over other methods. Additionally, Emperor Ashoka from India was against using punishment to exert power. During the third century B.C.E., Ashoka of the Mauryan Dynasty conquered the Kalingas and killed about one hundred thousand people. After his conquest, he was influenced by the teachings of the Buddha known as the Dhamma, and he promised that he shall never kill another human. Document 4 reveals that after Ashoka realized his love for the Dhamma, he wanted all treatments to be carried out fairly. As it can be seen, the Han Dynasty of China and Emperor Ashoka of the Mauryan Dynasty in India used the method of avoiding punishments to exert their political …show more content…

Around the fifth century B.C.E, the Persians created a large and powerful empire influenced by other empires. To maintain their government, they distributed power to the people, specifically, their sons. According to Document 1, the Persians provided power to the men who had the most sons because they believed that number was strength. The sons were trained to speak the truth, and they held great power in the empire. Greece, specifically Athens, also distributed power to its people. In Document 2, Pericles, the Greek political leader and general of Athens and the Delian League, describes how the laws in Athens provided an equal chance for all to be included in public service as a reward of merit. This is a bit similar to the Persian Empire because both distributed power to their citizens. On the other hand, Pericles point of view may not be trustworthy because outside evidence shows that only free males in Athens were allowed to participate in public service, and Pericles made it seem as though all were allowed to participate, including women and non-Greek people. Additionally, the Persian Empire and the Roman Empire interacted with other empires and supported different cultures. For instance, Document 1 says how the Persians adopted foreign customs and how they changed certain customs to make it their own. In the Roman Empire, the cities were trade centers; people from all over the continent

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