
Examples Of Classical Conditioning In Advertising

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“Classical Conditioning in Advertisements”
Classical conditioning “Classical conditioning is a type of learning in which a stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a response that was originally evoked by another stimulus”.
Firms use classical conditioning in their advertisements, who sell products to get consumers to purchase from them instead of their competitors. Advertising is almost based in classical conditioning. The theme to use classical conditioning in advertisement is simple. Companies want audience to buy or use their product heavily through their ads. Advertisers will show off their products which are the neutral stimulus and will try …show more content…

In the journal (classical conditioning of consumer attitudes: Four experiments in an advertising context) page number 334-349, writer has stated that the behavior of a consumer is towards the product matters. (Elnora W. Stuart, 1987). And classical conditioning matters a lot. He proves by providing multiple examples.
2. In another journal article (Recent Developments in Classical Conditioning) page number 619-631 author he has described classical conditioning and advertisement. (Bierley, 1984)

Examples for advertisements
Some examples of advertisements that work this way are listed below. The 'advertised product' is paired with other stimulus (positive or negative). If the advertisers are trying to raise awareness of something that is not good for you (e.g. the anti-smoking campaign above) they will try to associate that product with a negative Unconditioned …show more content…

Desire is what the viewer is going to feel next time he sees a Coca-Cola. In this advertisement girl’s face is the unconditioned stimuli and the bottle of Coca-Cola is neutral response, which creates the desire that the woman can cause (Unconditioned Response). But as audience see this advertisement many times the Coco cola becomes the conditioned stimuli and afterward whenever one drink it he gets the feeling which a women can cause (conditioned

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