
Examples Of Ethical Dilemma In Nursing

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As nurses, it is inevitable that at one point or another in our careers we will come across ethical dilemmas when providing patient care. In fact, nursing has been labeled as the most ethical profession. For nurses to meet the ethical obligations of the profession, the American Nurses Association (ANA) developed the Code of Ethics for Nurses. Since ethics are fundamental to nursing practice, I believe this code is of utmost importance. Patients strongly depend on a nurse’s honesty and on their adherence to those standards. By adhering to those standards, it allows nurses to develop a trustful nurse-client relationship while displaying compassion and empathy. Although these standards are put in place for nurses, when faced with an ethical dilemma, …show more content…

This patient had suffered an intraventricular hemorrhagic stroke. Since this patient lived alone, she was found by her son unconscious; however, it was unknown how long she had been unconscious. When she arrived at the hospital, she was a GCS of three and had not improved since then. Three weeks later, when I returned to neuro-ICU I again cared for this patient and her status had remained unchanged. Therefore, an ethics consult was made with the family to recommend comfort care. However, since the patient had undergone an ischemic stroke a few years back and fully recovered, the family had hope the patient would fully recover again. Although, it was explained that the strokes were different and the amount of damage to the brain was irreversible they still were not accepting the reality of the patient’s condition. These situations are difficult since the patient’s family is in denial, but you must respect their decision and continue to provide care for the patient (What do I do now? Ethical dilemmas in nursing and health care, 2013). Overall, whatever ethical dilemma you may encounter as a nurse, it is important that you continue to provide the best possible care despite your

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