
Examples Of Figurative Language In Fahrenheit 451

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This quote relates to Ray Bradbury’s ideas of Fahrenheit 451. He was trying to portray to the reader the true meaning of books; that they are not just in pen and paper but more. Bradbury uses the themes of violence and happiness throughout the novel to help readers understand the true value of books and to warn people of the future to come. Bradbury uses figurative language and archetype to represent the theme of violence. Bradbury uses personification to describe figurative language. When the firemen went to the woman’s house to burn her books, and while they were burning, Bradbury said, “ Titles glittered their golden eyes, falling, gone” (35). This demonstrates how the book feels when they are being burned. Bradbury is personifying to reflect …show more content…

Midway through the book there is a scene of Montag going to Faber’s house and ripping out the pages of the Bible until Faber agrees to help him understand books. He decides to help Montag and serves as his mentor because he realizes that Montag is desperate to learn about Books. When Montag is ripping the pages out of the Bible, he simply asks Faber, “ I want you to teach me to understand what I read” (78). Montag wants to gain more knowledge by reading book because he was never able to read books in his life. Faber helps him understand the importance of books and what it teaches about life. Faber’s teaching skills ties the idea of happiness a book can give to people. In the beginning of the book, Bradbury writes about Clarisse to symbolize happiness. When Clarisse is enjoying herself in the rain Montag asks her “ what do you do, go around trying everything once?” and she replies with “ sometimes twice” (19). This is to show that she loves to try different things and is an independent girl that does everything she wants without hesitating. She is a symbol of independence as she does not worry about anyone or anything and does what she likes. She is a supporter of free thought and is not going to listen to anyone. Clarisse’s behavior gives the theme of happiness because her freedom in life gives her

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